[History of the intersection] Middle East complex crisis Musashino ...

America's Middle East involvement change and the Russian advance, ...

[History of the intersection] Middle East complex crisis Musashino ... . Introduction The United States is the Obama administration in the papers and speeches that government leaders and presidents announced from 0 years over the 0 years, was announced a policy to focus on Asia-Pacific Ocean region, called the rebalancing or pivot. Was supposed to be by rebalancing policy relocation of US forces in the Asia Pacific Ocean region from the Middle East is advanced. Although the year since it was announced rebalancing policy has elapsed, the reduction of the US military presence has been underway in the Middle East region in the meantime. US military presence changes the Middle East, among other things, those great influence on the security of the beginning and the GCC countries, Saudi Arabia to the United States military presence has been a big part of security. In this paper, to clarify the actual situation and its impact of the US military reduced in the first Gulf region under the rebalancing policy, also consider the presence changes in the under followed by 0 years was launched Trump regime.
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